We hosted our 2nd installation of Kantoi Night event on 4 July 2023 at UEM Edgenta Berhad, Bangsar South. We had the chance to have Dato Sri Shazalli Ramly during our fireside chat where he shares anecdotes from his days as a “Nicotine Boy” all the way until he was a “Telco Guy”.
We also heard from Moses Lo, Founder and CEO of Xendit as well as Alwyn Chan, PMP, Chief Product Officer from Edgenta NXT. They shared how their “failing” moments helped them to move forward and propel them to be a better individual. If we could summarised it up, it comes down to do not be afraid to ask for help in times of need (you are never alone) and when it comes down to it – Just Do It!
Kantoi Night is a platform where people talk openly about their failures. The concept aims to communicate openly about professional failures. Failure – far from being shameful, is seen as a necessary experience that can sometimes be the key to success.
The Kantoi Night event is a collaboration by Penjana Kapital and M&C Saatchi Group. We aim to host this event at least every quarter so if you miss out on this round of invite, please stay tuned for upcoming ones.
We would also like to thank the Edgenta NXT team for co-hosting with us on this round of Kantoi Night.