

Pembangunan Modal Penjana Sdn. Bhd. a company under the Minister of Finance Incorporated, has established Penjana Kapital Sdn. Bhd. (“Penjana Kapital”) as its subsidiary to allocate the Government’s portion of the funding.

Penjana Kapital has 3 (three) layers of governance, namely Board of Directors (“BOD”), Investment Panel (“IP”), and Management Team:

Step 1

Board of Directors ("BOD")

The BOD sets the overall strategic direction of Penjana Kapital under the guidance from the Ministry of Finance. They will also review and approve investment recommendation by the Investment Panel.

Step 2

Investment Panel ("IP")

The IP will leverage on their specialized expertise and experience to drive decision making for Penjana Kapital. They will review and refine investment strategies and guidelines; as well as assess the selection of VC fund managers by Penjana Kapital Management Team.

Step 3

Management Team ("Team")

The Team manages the day-to-day operation of Penjana Kapital which includes monitoring of financial and non-financial deliverables expected from each VC fund managers. Penjana Kapital’s senior management personnel will also sit in the Investment Committee ("IC") of each funds to ensure that funds remained aligned to the Dana Penjana Nasional mandate.

Investment Process