As part of Penjana Kapital’s annual summit, Penjana Kapital hosted Capital Connections themed Food Tech in August to discuss on three (3) main areas namely Wellness in Food, Alternative Food and Food Production & Supply Chain. During this presentation, we saw nine (9) start-up companies presenting their business proposal. The companies include PurelyB, Pop Melas Meals, Phuture Foods, Snappea, Nanka, Bioloop, Fefifo and Food Market Hub. The event also see a penal discussion titled Market Sizing – The Future of Foodtech. The panelist involved are Patrick Vizzone, MD and Head of Agri-Food of Franklin Templeton Global Private Equity, Anthony Siau, Founding Partner of Kairos Capital, Dato’ Dr Hartini Zainudin, Co-Founder of Yayasan Chow Kit, and Kasey Leong, Marketing Director of Markaids. The event managed to roped in a total of more than 80 participants which makes this the largest Capital Connection event hosted by Penjana Kapital.